miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

my first concert " CALLE 13"

Today   I´ll go talk of my firts concert, this first concert I attended on March 14 this year in the stadium saint Laura  it was called CALLE 13 and publicised your new disc "multiviral",  this group,  compose music that is very review  and therefore can not enter many countries and they can not be Heard, my favourite song is Latinoameria and The poor dancing.
I did not know that this group would come to chile, I knew in  the birthday of one of my cousins ​​and organize a large group to attend together; I went with my sister, four cousin and four friends, We was  very enthusiastic about came to show, we sang all  the songs. luckily as I always work in the summer, it was no problem to pay me the entrance, which still keep in my wallet.
 the concert ended near two o'clock , entire term people very happy, because the concert was great.

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

My friend Tamara

Hello, today I´ll go talk of my friend Tamara Gonzales, I know her since 2007. With Tamara study meeting for six years in the high school number one, Javiera Carrera.
She is a good friend because is very honest, uneasy and rational so you can always talk to her and receive a good council.
This year we study in the same university, but in different career, she study design while I study geography.
With her share other friends of high school, many time get together with five friends more for go to a bar for a couple of drinks or just for talk about the high school and university or something about our life. Also we go shopping or some park or we do some sport activity. I always remember my life in high school with her and her big eyes full of friendliness, because i was very bad in physics and she always teach me after class. I remember too that she always laugh with my crazyness, like once that I paint my face and decorate my hair and I look for her for all the school to she take me a picture, because i was Frida Kahlo. Or once that I put spray deodorant in my mouth.
I can continue to talk about her and our crazyness forever. I really miss her every day.