jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014


Hello  Blogheads.
Today   I’m going to talk about a film I’ve seen that I’d like to watch again, i see many films and when i like  a lot of times i see; exist a film that i see more of six  time i love the film and always cry when i see.
the name of the film is "Dancer in the dark" is a film danish of 2000 directed for Lars Von Trier. this musical dama danish has wich  the performances of the Icelandic Singer Bjork, Catherine Deneuve, David Morse, Pater Stormare, Joel Grey.
The soundtrack of the film, edited in the album Selmasongs, was created in its entirety for Bjork.
it is a co- production in Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, USA, UK, France, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Norway participated.

the film recounts the history of Selma, a Czech immigrant and single mother, that works in the Factory of a village of the EE.UU. The only way to escape routine life as is his passion for music, specially for the songs and the dancer numbers of the clasic musical of Hollywood. Selma hides a sad secret: she is losing his sight, but the worst is that his  son also will be blind if she does not get in time, enough money to operate it and when the end is near to gather all the money, a neighbor  steals the money and she is forced to confront and kill the neighbor in the disscusion , she is sentenced to death for the crime and dies singing in front of their friends.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014


Hello ¡Hi Blogheads!
Today I am going to tell about a book that I am riding,
the book is called "Deleting it concerns and enjoy life" this book, I sent him a friend, them of speak about my constant  fights at home and my problems  relate to people,  as always i am questióning and problems doing unimportant things and complicate my life. this book belongs to genre of self-help, I thought that this tipe of book was from sad people who know how to lead your life but decided thta was a good idea and that could  learded some thing for keep it simple and enjoy the thing that really like in the life.
this book propose simple manners for everyday life, the true is very little that i read  because i am very busy with the university i have many text that read for all subject but the Little that read of the book i like, i think that is good open mind to new options or answers of as live.
ok i think that for that read this book submit results  the person reading should be very committed to applying what I read.
I hope that when you advance further into the book I will tell you how to apply the ideas.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

My activity in group

¡Hi Blogheads!
Today I am going to tell about a activity in group that I did when girl  . actually  i do not  many activity in group because i have not much time and is difficult organize with others  persons; all my friends are in the iniversity with different  Schedule and with others person lost communication.
this is why I only casually exercise with a group of friends, but they work if it is not as often as I would like.
I participated with a group de children of the  church in "Los Conquistadores" this was a group
formed by the pleople of the church  is similar to the boy scout, i atended whit my sister and my neighbour all the sunday  for many years; We met more than 100 children and we formed group, my group was called  "Aguilas Americanas" and only were womens.
instructors taught us to work in groups to compete with other groups formed, learned to
build fires, to make food, make
knots and meny things more also visit different places as "El Manzano" , and Farellones was much funny  because he shared with many children and learned
many things.