lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

This is england

hello!!! I am very happy to write today; and I today write about the film "this is england"; we saw this film in class and  I loved it, because it's not only entertaining, but also how much a very interesting story, It is a sad reality that is not only in England, it is a reality for many young people in different countries. they are influenced by extremist thoughts that lead them to commit terrible acts or witnessed terrible acts as in this case.
I've had friends anarchists and nationalists and often between themselves generate complicated situations or someone silly fights ended in hospital; but I can share some thoughts, I do not agree with going to extremes, to the point of harming someone or yourself.
that is why it is best to respect each other, we are all different and think differently but that's never reason to harm the other.
I think this movie can be good for young people who are influenced by these thoughts without seeing consequences.
good friends with that I say goodbye, I hope you will also like the film and leaves us something to think about, which is important.
goodbye and kisses

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