miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014


Hello today will write about my English Blog experience this semester
this semester  enjoyment writing in the blog about diferent subject while listened my favourite music
as more enjoyment was remenber thing of my childhood;
as more i like of write in the blog is can listen to music ¡jajaja! and that can write about subject enjoyables and diferent to my degree, i think that is a good moment for distracted and learn. as  i don't like is  that always forget write a comment to my classmates  and pass many days before of that i comment also i  do not like that never i know that write for complete the two hundred words .
of the  subject that more i like write is of my holiday because many years that i do  not go on holiday  and work all summer, and hope this year travel and rest all summer.
i think that my english may have improved as now i have more means for write in english and learn many words that i serve as speak with my classmates, but i never can hope too much because always forget the thing  


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