martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014


Hello blogeers today I go to talk about my dog Francisco Javier
Francisco Javier is a dog very specia, my dog is of breed poodle and many people know him and say he is like a child or a child is believed.
I have to francisco three years ago, I found lost on the street, it was in this month, in September, and since then it's like a son to me.
he likes long walks, play when I get to college and loves to eat chicken with rice, if this person eats this food, and when we eat roast the ever eat a piece of meat special.
what are the most hate cats, fight day and night there are nights when they will not let me sleep in search of cats, another thing is you do not like their feet to be touched, always hiding and gets very angry when shooting.
what I like about it is that it is very tender and can always sleep together, he has a great personality and is a lot like me.
what I dislike is when looking cats do not sleep and I have to get up at midnight to get him to sleep.

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