jueves, 10 de abril de 2014


Hi today I'll talk about my favorite TV show, which was cantinflas: 

I remember all the weekends the whole family would sit to watch "Cantinflas" each chapter was difente and had no relation to the former, he was a protagonist always very poorly and honest person, with the series shows part of the reality of mexico  between  the years  1936 and  1984, that I have no very clear, only that in each chapter the protagonist exceeded their problems with humor and always delivering a life lesson. what I liked most was that at some point always danced in a very particular way and with pantalores about to fall; Cantinflar was my hero for a long time, because he showed have many values ​​and being a good person. 
I see it now when I have time on Saturday morning, chapters and are repeated I have seen many times but never get bored. 

he called actor : Fortino Mario Alfonso Moreno Reyes and died the same year I was born , April 20, 1993.

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