lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

This is england

hello!!! I am very happy to write today; and I today write about the film "this is england"; we saw this film in class and  I loved it, because it's not only entertaining, but also how much a very interesting story, It is a sad reality that is not only in England, it is a reality for many young people in different countries. they are influenced by extremist thoughts that lead them to commit terrible acts or witnessed terrible acts as in this case.
I've had friends anarchists and nationalists and often between themselves generate complicated situations or someone silly fights ended in hospital; but I can share some thoughts, I do not agree with going to extremes, to the point of harming someone or yourself.
that is why it is best to respect each other, we are all different and think differently but that's never reason to harm the other.
I think this movie can be good for young people who are influenced by these thoughts without seeing consequences.
good friends with that I say goodbye, I hope you will also like the film and leaves us something to think about, which is important.
goodbye and kisses

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014


Hello, hello I am super happy to write today to tell you a bit of a super friend of my infancy, she called Mariela was something like friendship at first sight with her we were doing everything together. We met her in the primary in high school we were a group 1 but she was always special to me; What I liked most about her was that we were very complicit and we had many secrets and send us messages.
let us put together because we both liked the same boy and they began to leave behind me. but I spend the time and I never realized I would stop being my friend but now I do not see it because I'm careless, but she is in my heart.
every time I talk despite over time is the same as if we were crazy girls, it's nice to remember to Mariela is a nice person and I have many memories with her and the group of friends; She was always a great support to me and I hope I have been good for her.

that's all folks leave some photos for you to meet Mariela. many kisses to all

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014


Today I’d like to talk about something I am proud, the thruth is that I am very proud of  get over a complicated illness, when I was more Young, I had anorexia , was very difficult to accept that i was ill. when my family knew they were  very sad  and they do not know that to do. visit many doctors but not all are trained for help me .
was  a very difficult period in my life, I was so sick that I could die but also I could meet great people.  i was scared but I strove, because I wanted to  live and today i am feel happy to be  healthy and with tha people who love me  
I would not want to live this again, but I learned a lot from this experience.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014


Hello  Blogheads.
Today   I’m going to talk about a film I’ve seen that I’d like to watch again, i see many films and when i like  a lot of times i see; exist a film that i see more of six  time i love the film and always cry when i see.
the name of the film is "Dancer in the dark" is a film danish of 2000 directed for Lars Von Trier. this musical dama danish has wich  the performances of the Icelandic Singer Bjork, Catherine Deneuve, David Morse, Pater Stormare, Joel Grey.
The soundtrack of the film, edited in the album Selmasongs, was created in its entirety for Bjork.
it is a co- production in Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, USA, UK, France, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Norway participated.

the film recounts the history of Selma, a Czech immigrant and single mother, that works in the Factory of a village of the EE.UU. The only way to escape routine life as is his passion for music, specially for the songs and the dancer numbers of the clasic musical of Hollywood. Selma hides a sad secret: she is losing his sight, but the worst is that his  son also will be blind if she does not get in time, enough money to operate it and when the end is near to gather all the money, a neighbor  steals the money and she is forced to confront and kill the neighbor in the disscusion , she is sentenced to death for the crime and dies singing in front of their friends.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014


Hello ¡Hi Blogheads!
Today I am going to tell about a book that I am riding,
the book is called "Deleting it concerns and enjoy life" this book, I sent him a friend, them of speak about my constant  fights at home and my problems  relate to people,  as always i am questióning and problems doing unimportant things and complicate my life. this book belongs to genre of self-help, I thought that this tipe of book was from sad people who know how to lead your life but decided thta was a good idea and that could  learded some thing for keep it simple and enjoy the thing that really like in the life.
this book propose simple manners for everyday life, the true is very little that i read  because i am very busy with the university i have many text that read for all subject but the Little that read of the book i like, i think that is good open mind to new options or answers of as live.
ok i think that for that read this book submit results  the person reading should be very committed to applying what I read.
I hope that when you advance further into the book I will tell you how to apply the ideas.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

My activity in group

¡Hi Blogheads!
Today I am going to tell about a activity in group that I did when girl  . actually  i do not  many activity in group because i have not much time and is difficult organize with others  persons; all my friends are in the iniversity with different  Schedule and with others person lost communication.
this is why I only casually exercise with a group of friends, but they work if it is not as often as I would like.
I participated with a group de children of the  church in "Los Conquistadores" this was a group
formed by the pleople of the church  is similar to the boy scout, i atended whit my sister and my neighbour all the sunday  for many years; We met more than 100 children and we formed group, my group was called  "Aguilas Americanas" and only were womens.
instructors taught us to work in groups to compete with other groups formed, learned to
build fires, to make food, make
knots and meny things more also visit different places as "El Manzano" , and Farellones was much funny  because he shared with many children and learned
many things.

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014


Hello blogeers today I go to talk about my dog Francisco Javier
Francisco Javier is a dog very specia, my dog is of breed poodle and many people know him and say he is like a child or a child is believed.
I have to francisco three years ago, I found lost on the street, it was in this month, in September, and since then it's like a son to me.
he likes long walks, play when I get to college and loves to eat chicken with rice, if this person eats this food, and when we eat roast the ever eat a piece of meat special.
what are the most hate cats, fight day and night there are nights when they will not let me sleep in search of cats, another thing is you do not like their feet to be touched, always hiding and gets very angry when shooting.
what I like about it is that it is very tender and can always sleep together, he has a great personality and is a lot like me.
what I dislike is when looking cats do not sleep and I have to get up at midnight to get him to sleep.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014


Hello bloggers today I go to talk about the Chilean national holiday! 
is a very large party , but i am not good for the celebretions, usually i am in my home whit my family, but now that i am old, my family travel without me, because to me don't like visit my  relatives in the south of Chile with regularity, but in the south eat a lot and always make many tupical activities, i remenber  years ago my father competed whit his friends for whom pruning  faster a trunk.
the last year my family travel to visit relatives the south and I had to look after the house whit my boyfriend, both cooked pasty and roast beef.
the best of the national holiday is the food, because  i like cook  with my mather or whit my boyfriend and later eat all together.
i like the typical activities of the country, was  i like is dance cueca and if i am in the south, i like to go fish, the typical activities that i don't like is the chilean rodeo, because i think  that is not necessary sufir other for entertain, i respect the dignity of all  the animals, as a child i was vegetarian, i did not like the national holiday because only ate meat.
this year I will travel again not.

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014


hello today write about a place that i like visit in Santiago, this place is the hill Saint Cristóbal.
I don't remenber went visit the hill the first time, but probably visited the hill went Young with my family, now i go to the hill all the weekend whith a group of friends y my boyfriend also i like go with my dog called fransisco.
what i like of the hill Saint Cristóbal is that I can do exercise, eat mote with huesillo that is very delicious, also can do picnic and  see the nature.
almost all the time go to the hill Saint Cristóbal because I like do exercise and to my dog loves go because can watch others dogs and run free for land
now I go to the hill because wish improve my physical fitness for go to a glacier in october with my classmates, for this if I can not go to the hill I go to the park The Americas the day saturday in the morning  also with a goup of friends.
the last visit was a sunday whit my tow week ago whit my sister and her  girlfriend, my cousin Julio and my dog.

jueves, 31 de julio de 2014

Winter Break

Hello today I write about a party which attend in the Winter break
 The party was for celebrate the  birthday of a friend and the cousin of my boyfriend, called Faviola, she turned thirty years.
the celebration was outsite of Santiago in Buin specifically in Lindero, it was a costume party, I did not know what to dress, I thought of something easy and chose the butterfly costume, I bought wings at the Central Station and a lens which decorate and wear clothes that already had; due also buy the costume and my boyfriend was hard because he wanted to dress up bull.
way to the place we find ourselves on the road was very foggy, and I felt very afraid to not see anything on the road and thought we could hit; as the driver had poor vision
Finally, we attended disguised as party wanted and everyone was dressed as horror movies.
to get to the party was very tired and I only drunk three glasses of vodka and finished asleep on a couch


jueves, 3 de julio de 2014


I'd like to visit Hyde Park in London for several reasons; among them as one of the largest in the world and the other by the attractions it has, such as Speakers' Corner (located in the northeast corner near Marble Arch), close to the former site of the Tyburn gallows, and Rotten Row, which is the northern boundary of the site of the Crystal Palace. Southeast (but outside the park) is Hyde Park Corner. South of the Serpentine Lake is the memorial of Diana, Princess of Wales, oval stone ring opened on July 6, 2004. East of the Serpentine, just beyond the dam, is the Holocaust Memorial. A magnificent specimen of a botanical curiosity is the "Weeping Beech", Fagus sylvatica, affectionately known as the "upside down tree". Opposite Hyde Park Corner is one of the largest hotels in London, The Lanesborough, which offers its best suite for £ 8,000 a night. 
in turn is a place which was the scene of many concert and will be great deve imagine attending any of them.
and finally the most important reason is that I love nature and I love that exists in the city natural spaces

miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014


Hello today will write about my English Blog experience this semester
this semester  enjoyment writing in the blog about diferent subject while listened my favourite music
as more enjoyment was remenber thing of my childhood;
as more i like of write in the blog is can listen to music ¡jajaja! and that can write about subject enjoyables and diferent to my degree, i think that is a good moment for distracted and learn. as  i don't like is  that always forget write a comment to my classmates  and pass many days before of that i comment also i  do not like that never i know that write for complete the two hundred words .
of the  subject that more i like write is of my holiday because many years that i do  not go on holiday  and work all summer, and hope this year travel and rest all summer.
i think that my english may have improved as now i have more means for write in english and learn many words that i serve as speak with my classmates, but i never can hope too much because always forget the thing  


miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014


hello today I write about semeone from my family  that i love, the person is my sister, she  is called Olga Andrea and is my  only sister; my sister have two years more that my
she is very different to my, she always try to avoid quarrel and  is well whit the people, my sister is very special for my family because she always wish join the family, therefore my  cousins and my uncles feel affection for she.
my sister study technical in nursing and surgeon's assistant  this years had its qualification
all we were very proud of her achievement, remember that i cried and hugged and she be labored in three hospital, in the hospital  clinical of the universiti of Chilem, in the clinic Davila and now is  working in the hospital Saint Jose.
whit my sister have good relationship but despite of  live  together, live together we do not see often
she always is in the home of your girlfriend or working in the hospital and i always am in the home of my boyfriend, in the universiti or in the home of a friend

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014


Hello, today i'm going to talk about the Shushi:

the sushi is a food Japonese based on cooked rise seasoned with rice vinegar, sugar, salt and other ingredients such as fish or shellfish.

exist diferent type of sushi, my favourite sushi is Makizushi and Uramaki,I do not like raw seafood, if most of the time as chicken; I eat shushi two day a week because my boyfiend and my brother in law has have a local sushi delivery.

I did not like sushi, but when I tried the sushi of my brother I became fanatical, I always go to eat at the local, which is called Sumire Sushi and is located in the municipality of Santiago, near the Quinta Normal subway station, is a business that takes very little time but it worked very well.

with my family eat sushi for celebrations; for example bought much sushi for licensure my sister, also for my cousins ​​birthday

is a meal that I really like a lot but that I should not eat, because I have problems in my stomach but I can not stop eating

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

France a country beautiful

Hello!! today i speak abouth a country that i would like visit, the country is France;
i woudl like visit France because i think is a beautiful country,because it has an amazing landscape; France have a arquitecture fascinating  with structure of million of years such as the building Barroco Louvre and the Pantheon in Paris, visit is a dream, also i am a loving of the art and in France is full of art, art in the streets, witharquitectura and sculpture and has great diversity instile of painting, exist art  in the people in  their body language, in their  clothes.
Specifically  i would like visit Paris because i am a loving the fashion "I am a fashionista", I always see programs of fashions and see that has many boutique with clothes lovely, i love to vistil all the boutique and buy one million de thing; traveling with my boyfriend to "the fashion week" in parís, it is an event organized by the fashion industry. It lasts about a week, during which the latest collection of different designers or brands presentedand  later visit all the museum and Historic buildings, I also like to make a romantic boat ride on the canal Orleans and obviously make a Wine tasting in beautiful countryside

miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014


Hello! today I write about a holiday memorable that I had, i traveled a friday after of work,  with my boyfriend, my sister and my cousin, take the buss in the station Alameda from Santiago to Algarrobo, to get take a taxi until The Canelo where our cabin was, immediate begin to plan the seven day that we would be in place, that night we toured the place, it was very late and we were hungry ate a  pasty and went to sleep early because we stood jogging at the beach, the next day after going to the beach to do exercise, go over all the craft fairs and looked for a place where they deliver tourist information, in that place we find information about The Totoral, tha next day wake up early  and take a taxi until the place, was into the mountains and was very rural, there were horses, and many tres buy wine, we visited an old church and sementerio was on one side of this. then we did horseback riding on the hill and canopy, was great, I had never done, later returned to the beach and kayak . The last day we did not want to return to Santiago and left with bags and everything to be all day on the beach.

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014


Hello, today I write about the songs that enjoy linstening at the momento, I have not  a prefert style, i like music very diferent, but  be four or   more song that I love and the listen many  time. the first is called " more that words"  interpret by the group American  of hard rock "Extreme" this song i like because is romantic and speech about tha expression of the love, tha secons is "Latinoamérica" by the group "Calle 13" is a beautiful song that because represent the sentiments of ordinary people and I feel  thrilled when singing, other song i like is "A thousand miles" by Vanessa Carlton 
the song is his first single is part of their debut album Be Not Nobody released in 2002. first heard it in a movie called "And where are the blondes?". cansion this one I really like and I've heard all weekend

"Always" is a power ballad by Bon Jovi. It was released as a single for the compilation album Cross Road in 1994. It became his
biggest-selling single; besides letter hear the song I like to see the video because the Singer is very attractive


miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

The Beach Cau Cau

The beach of Cau Cau, of Mapuche, "big seagull" is  located in Chile, in the five  región, near  the village coastal of Horcón and the noth of Valparaíso. is a beach of fine and white  sand, surrounded  of forest of eucaliptus, besides   being protected  for  hill that that the protected of the  wind.
 These  conditions make a beach more unknown, without pollution and a of the best of the  coast central.
Among the caracteristic of the beach being tha practic of the nudism for sus visitor; the beach is a place very calm and beautiful. i visit with my boyfriend the year 2012 and I remain in love of the places, I am also in love with the village of Horcón, I only travel to this  place in one  chance, however I always wish  come back, because   I find peace in this place as the people is very nice, loving and calm. in this beach are all  of origin  hippie.
whole sector has very cute cabins and hostels, activities throughout the area during the summer, concerts on the beach, nudist encounters and   delicious food in typical restaurants, besides all this, has a beautiful craft fair with products really made ​​by artisans in this place I bought a necklace that I love using.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014


Hi today I'll talk about my favorite TV show, which was cantinflas: 

I remember all the weekends the whole family would sit to watch "Cantinflas" each chapter was difente and had no relation to the former, he was a protagonist always very poorly and honest person, with the series shows part of the reality of mexico  between  the years  1936 and  1984, that I have no very clear, only that in each chapter the protagonist exceeded their problems with humor and always delivering a life lesson. what I liked most was that at some point always danced in a very particular way and with pantalores about to fall; Cantinflar was my hero for a long time, because he showed have many values ​​and being a good person. 
I see it now when I have time on Saturday morning, chapters and are repeated I have seen many times but never get bored. 

he called actor : Fortino Mario Alfonso Moreno Reyes and died the same year I was born , April 20, 1993.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

My favourite photogrph with my boyfrien

This is a photograph of February 2009. They were on the beach Quisco do not remember that I took the picture, my cousin or my sister could take the picture, and who traveled with them. this is my favorite photo because I'm with my boyfriend when alone had five month relationship and I felt very much in love, I remember my parents were very worried, because his is four years older than me, now they are together and September 16 serve five-year relationship and I'm happy all my years with him.

That was a very nice summer, take lots of pictures, ate many delicious things, enjoyed the company of people who traveled them how. next year we met for the tour again and traveled to Isla Negra beach; and every year we get together to fly, the next year we will travel south of Chile.

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

my first concert " CALLE 13"

Today   I´ll go talk of my firts concert, this first concert I attended on March 14 this year in the stadium saint Laura  it was called CALLE 13 and publicised your new disc "multiviral",  this group,  compose music that is very review  and therefore can not enter many countries and they can not be Heard, my favourite song is Latinoameria and The poor dancing.
I did not know that this group would come to chile, I knew in  the birthday of one of my cousins ​​and organize a large group to attend together; I went with my sister, four cousin and four friends, We was  very enthusiastic about came to show, we sang all  the songs. luckily as I always work in the summer, it was no problem to pay me the entrance, which still keep in my wallet.
 the concert ended near two o'clock , entire term people very happy, because the concert was great.

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

My friend Tamara

Hello, today I´ll go talk of my friend Tamara Gonzales, I know her since 2007. With Tamara study meeting for six years in the high school number one, Javiera Carrera.
She is a good friend because is very honest, uneasy and rational so you can always talk to her and receive a good council.
This year we study in the same university, but in different career, she study design while I study geography.
With her share other friends of high school, many time get together with five friends more for go to a bar for a couple of drinks or just for talk about the high school and university or something about our life. Also we go shopping or some park or we do some sport activity. I always remember my life in high school with her and her big eyes full of friendliness, because i was very bad in physics and she always teach me after class. I remember too that she always laugh with my crazyness, like once that I paint my face and decorate my hair and I look for her for all the school to she take me a picture, because i was Frida Kahlo. Or once that I put spray deodorant in my mouth.
I can continue to talk about her and our crazyness forever. I really miss her every day.